Of course I didn't know for sure that stores were tracking us through our Smartphones. But, I was aware that as long as our phones were sending out a signal to connect through WiFi, someone could try to use it against us.
Don't forget that other businesses can implement the same tactics as the stores (eg: restaurants & cafes).
If you don't want to be tracked while you're out-n-about, simply shut your phone's WiFi off when you leave your house (it saves your battery as well).
When you walk into a brick and mortar retail store like a Nordstrom, Cabela, or even Family Dollar, you're being tracked around the store. Not by an over-suspicious security guard, but by the store's wireless network, using your phone's Wi-Fi. The store then uses your phone to track you around the store, determine if you're a repeat visitor, see what departments you visit, and more. -Alan Henry