I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to sit on a cell tower in order to make phone calls. Nor do I want to dance around in my house or drive at high speeds in order to capture that ever-elusive signal.
Of course having a landline seems to be the only solution that will guarantee good service from home, but that comes with an additional monthly cost. For example, our landline has an approximate cost of $38/month with only 30 minutes of long distance included; that's $456.00 per year.
That Price Must Be a Misprint...

But before you start jumping up and down, I must warn you that this may not be a good fit for everyone, especially if you have:
- Dial-up or satellite service.
- Under 5 Mbps broadband download speed (based on my experience).
- Under 128 kbps upload speed (higher is better of course).
- 1-port-only modem from your ISP (internet service provider).
Be aware that you have to register with MagicJack once you have the device so you can choose your personalized phone number.
- Since there are 12 months of service included with your MagicJack purchase... you can look at it as $59.95 - $35.00 (service) = $24.95 for the MagicJackGO device (not counting any taxes).
- After the 12 months of included service, you pay $35.00 per year (plus applicable taxes).
Android App
Your smartphone just has to be connected to your home WiFi to make/receive calls via the app. Of course if you have problems using the app for whatever reason, then you just hook up a regular phone to the MagicJack device.
Test Drive Android App without a MagicJack Device/Account
I've used the android app many times via my home WiFi without any problems at all (DSL - 15 Mbps/768 kbps). I can hear every word that's being spoken to me and vice-versa, even if I'm walking around the house.
Just be aware that when using the free android app without a MagicJack device/account, the receiver of the call will see an unknown phone number. That can have an advantage if you want to call someone without your real cell phone number appearing on their caller I.D.
As an example, when I call someone, or when people have called me, using only the free android app, I've seen 2 different numbers (1 digit difference - see below screen captures).
Reminder: You need a high-speed broadband connection in order for the app to work properly (dial-up will not work).
Where Can I Purchase The MagicJack?
The $59.99 cost is the normal price but their s/h is free ($59.99 - $35.00 for 12 months service included = $24.99 for the device).
The $48.91 cost at Walmart does not include s/h but you could have sent to a store near you to pick-up in person ($48.91 - $35.00 for 12 months service included = $13.91 for the device).
Helpful Guides
How To Register Your MagicJack:
How To Access Your Voicemail:
Blog Post Updates:
- Updated a few lines of verbiage
- Added more recent pictures
- Changed YouTube video to "The Chase"
- Added 3 PDF documents
March 6, 2014:
- Added Radio Shack current sale price for online purchases
March 19, 2014:
- Removed Radio Shack's sale pricing.
August 3, 2014:
- Updated screenshot.
- Added MagicJackGO information