You may have to watch the video more than once to catch all the subtle nuances (eg: the dog who steals silverware).
Watch 13 dogs and 1 cat eat a holiday feast with their human hands. You may have to watch the video more than once to catch all the subtle nuances (eg: the dog who steals silverware). Watch how they created above video with several shelter companions.
"Weird Al" Yankovic creativity shines through once again with his latest video, "Word Crimes", reminding us that it's not cool to misuse words online. I thought of a few other words that he didn't mention in his video:
There are times that I use abbreviations of words when typing on Twitter or sending texts since there are character limitations (140 and 160 respectively). However, I still use contractions correctly and the proper form of a word (eg: red or read). Abbreviation Examples:
When I write contracts for our business or content for our websites and blogs, I'm vigilant about making sure that the words are spelled correctly. In addition, I make sure that the proper use of grammar is followed to ensure that what I write 'reads' as I intend it to be. Enjoy the video. Whether you're a novice user or a proficient Twitter-holic that can't stop yourself from tweeting (you know who you are), the video created by @BillZucker is strummin' a common chord throughout the twitterverse. The #twiTTerTwiTch is what happens when you’re away from Twitter too long.
Your head twitches in a downward angle from right-to-left & your right eye blinks uncontrollably. Other possible side-effects; hand jitters & speaking in 140 character bursts. Only known cure is to start tweeting immediately. Please leave comments here and/or on Tagalus. ![]() Pulling out your kid's loose tooth with a rocket certainly could have proven to be a very dangerous stunt, especially if you have any understanding of physics. I'm fairly certain that 4 out of 5 dentists would definitely not recommend that you perform this stunt on your child. Fortunately, for the young boy (and his Father), the experiment went as planned. His reaction to the tooth no longer being in his mouth is priceless (and quite humorous). However, I would bet that the Mom had a few choice words for the Dad when she became aware of the tooth extraction method used. ![]() Whether you're an avid eBay seller or a beginner, be prepared to LAUGH-OUT-LOUD while listening to Weird Al's creative song about eBay. |
Always looking for new experiences, cultures and ideas to share with my friends and family. I'm a gruBBy huBBy, Dad, Grandpa x5, business owner and fuRRy cOmpaniOn
chAmpiOn. Archives
October 2015